Believe it or not, I actually got this title from my niece who is still attending high school and I thought it only applied to the business world. Good thing they are starting to teach it during school. Here is a list of teamwork qualities I found on the Internet that can improve teamwork in the business world that I am going to try and apply at work.

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” –Henry Ford

  1. Show mutual respect for each team member. Each team member is unique and different and have something to bring to the team.
  2. Champion polite disagreements. There will always be disagreements but show respect when there is a disagreements.
  3. Always explain. Always listen. Explain why something has to be done in a certain way rather than telling them to be done in a certain way.
  4. Set clear goals. All team members must understand the end goal. Write it out and make sure everyone is in agreement.
  5. Communication is open, honest, and respectful. People feel as if they are heard out and listened to by team members who are attempting to understand. All members should feel comfortable asking questions, expressing their opinions and making suggestions. Each person’s input should be highly valued.
  6. Establish agreed-upon ground rules. Everyone on the team work differently. Establish a way or system that everyone can work together.
  7. Clear defined roles. Each team member has some valuable resource to contribute to the team and they should be defined clearly.
  8. Team members must suppress their own egos. Things shouldn’t be done to benefit an individual but to benefit the team.
  9. Team members have a strong sense of belonging to the group.
  10. When conflicts arise, take a positive approach. Avoid confrontation and blame. Keep your focus on the issues.
Last modified: February 24, 2019



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