177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class (from Steve Siebold)

My take aways from reading the book “177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class” by Steve Siebold. Objective Reality – Be realistic. Avoid delusion. World-Class Thinking – To be world class, need to think like world class. Sustained Concentration – Concentrate all your energies on a limit set of targets. Emotional Motivators – Motivated... » read more

What I learned from my Project Management Class

Day 1 Stakeholders are people involved in or affected by the project activities. Successful project managers develop good relationships with project stakeholders to understand and meet their needs and expectations. “Who does What by When” Overall success rate of IT projects was only 16%. More than 31% of IT projects were canceled. Project management involves Integration,... » read more

What is going to work, teamwork!

Believe it or not, I actually got this title from my niece who is still attending high school and I thought it only applied to the business world. Good thing they are starting to teach it during school. Here is a list of teamwork qualities I found on the Internet that can improve teamwork in... » read more

Respectful Leadership

For my project management class that I am currently taking, one of the assignments was to attend a PMI event. To satisfy this assignment, I went to a PMI San Diego event held on May 24, 2017 about a talk on Respectful Leader by Gregg Ward. The topics was about being respectful to your fellow colleague and... » read more

Building a High Performance Team

I just finish a class I am taking for my project management certification called Work Team Concepts and Skills taught by Kobe Bogaert. The class is about how to build a high performance team. In the class, Kobe talks about that a high performance team does not just come naturally, it takes effort and constant... » read more

The Agile Software Development Manifesto

To anyone or any organization that wish to implement Agile software development, you should first looking at the Manifesto for Agile Software Development found on agilemanifesto.org. The following is pulled straight out of the manifesto… Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan... » read more

The Seven Wastes of Software Development

Eliminating waste seems to be common sense for any business operations. According to the article The Seven Wastes of Software Development, it can also be applied to software development.   The article starts off by talking about eliminating waste to improve productive by the Toyota car company in the mid 1900’s. According to the article, Toyota needed a way... » read more

Common Pitfalls of Scrum Events

The scrum process involves many type of events. There is the sprint planning, the daily stand up, sprint review, and sprint retrospective. When the steps of the scrum process are follow through correctly, the rest of the sprint will flow more smoothly. However, there are many pitfalls in each of the scrum events that can derail the whole... » read more