Unable to Drop/Delete Database from Server

Use the following to drop the database… If the above failed, do this… Stop the SQL Services. Kill the sqlserver.exe process on service if the services fail to stop. Manually delete the physical database files from the drives. Restart the SQL Services, then drop the database.

Google IAP Desktop

Install the IAP Desktop application using the following link: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/iap-desktop/releases/latest/download/IapDesktop.msi. https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/identity-security/zero-trust-remote-access-for-windows-vms It’s more important than ever for IT administrators to be able to securely access resources from wherever they are. Exposing VM instances to the public internet can be risky, potentially giving bad actors a direct access path to your network. But solutions such as... » read more

MMC could not create the snap-in for SQL Server Configuration Manager

Error: MMC could not create the snap-in for SQL Server Configuration Manager RegEdit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MMC\SnapIns{eeed5f7e-9cae-45e2-9dd6-c9f44246cc37} C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\160\Tools\Binn\SqlManager.dll file not found Fix: Microsoft Management Console (MMC) is a built-in feature in Windows operating system that lets you manage snap-in on the go. Snap-ins are basic component of a console. Sometimes, snap-ins may not work properly,... » read more

MMC could not create the snap-in for Task Scheduler

Error: MMC could not create the snap-in. The snap-in might not have been installed correctly. Fix: Microsoft Management Console (MMC) is a built-in feature in Windows operating system that lets you manage snap-in on the go. Snap-ins are basic component of a console. Sometimes, snap-ins may not work properly, especially if the registry configuration of... » read more

Rebuilding of indexes cause the transactional log file to grow

The index rebuild operation runs by default in a single long-running transaction, that prevents the Transaction Log space reuse while rebuilding a large index. Switching to the BULK_LOGGED recovery mode while doing an index rebuild operation will reduce the amount of transaction log generated. If you’re considering using the BULK_LOGGED recovery mode, beware that you... » read more

Add Custom Claim from Entra in Blazor

Edit property mapping in Client App β†’ Managed application in local directory β†’ Single sing-on β†’ Attributes & Claims Note: You will receive the following error after creating a new claims. Fix this by setting the “acceptMappedClaims” to “true” in your app manifest. There was an error trying to log you in: ‘xxxxxxx: This application... » read more

Hash Index

What is a ‘HASH INDEX’ in SQL? A Hash Index is a specific type of index that works best for equality comparisons. It uses a hash function to distribute rows evenly across a specified number of buckets. The hash function takes column values as input and returns a bucket number. When a query involving an... » read more

Recreating MSSQL Always On using SSMS AlwaysOn Wizard

Recreating Always On from an existing setup using SSMS AlwaysOn Wizard. Note: Delete all database and database files on secondary servers. Make sure all drive and folder mapping are the same as primary server. Use Local drive or NAS drive for AlwaysOn backup file location. Make sure existing database backup jobs has been disabled. Might... » read more