Blazor Date Field Binding

Two-way binding is having a bidirectional data flow, i.e., passing the value from the property to the UI and then from the view (UI) to the property. Blazor provides support for two-way binding using the bind attribute. Syntax for creating two-way binding property: Note: Must enclose “InputDate” field in a “EditForm”. Sources:

Web Service API Blazor CORS Error

Error: Get the following error when trying to access api call from external sites. Access to fetch at xxxx from origin xxxx has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request’s mode to ‘no-cors’ to fetch the resource with... » read more

The type or namespace name ‘ServiceContractAttributeAttribute’ does not exist in the namespace ‘System.ServiceModel’

Error: After generating a connected service from WCF, you get the following error during compile… The type or namespace name ‘ServiceContractAttributeAttribute’ does not exist in the namespace ‘System.ServiceModel’ Fix: Add the following from NuGet… System.ServiceModel.Primitives System.ServiceModel.Http Sources:

Blazor client-side and WCF

Core does not support WCF very well instead of not at all. Especially in terms of authentication and security, such as the service created by using WS* binding.  I suggest you re-construct your server project with BasicHttpBinding or using WebAPI to create the backend service. WCF is not supported in .NET Core out of... » read more

Blazor Layout

A default layout can be specified in the /Pages/_Imports.razor file. This setting can be overridden by Blazor finding a more specific _Imports.razor file closer to the page it is rendering. The final (and most explicit) level of specifying a template to use is to literally specify it in the page itself using the @layout directive. Note: You can... » read more